Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summer reading post #4

   I chose this book because personally I thought it would be interesting to feel the emotions and hear the thoughts of someone who has to leave their whole life behind and move across the world. Really the over all book was about a young girls journey through life and her thoughts decisions and choices throughout her journey to America. I chose this book by doing the one thing your taught not to do since you've been little. Judge a book by its cover, when I looked at the cover of this book I saw a young Chinese girl who looked sad, depressed, confused, worried and most of all looked like she was hiding all emotions behind one simple emotion on her face. After I saw the picture on the front I read the first couple of pages and was  immediately pulled in and interested in this book. I actually have some what of a connection to this book because my neighbors lived in japan all their lives and then had to come here it was hard for the two younger children because they didn't speak any English and they were faced with many struggles like adapting to our culture, language and different life style. They were like the characters in my book they were forced with struggles changes and many hard life changing decisions. I would recommend this book to more of a person that has a life story like this book. I would recommend it to someone who has had change in their life like this family did, I would also recommend it to an older person who has lived in one spot their whole life and saw it change from when they were kids to now. Like my parents, aunts, uncles and  grandparents. Overall I think this was a really good book, it showed great diction, syntax and a lot of imagery, I liked this book because it showed me her journey and how anything is possible to overcome you just have to have a positive outlook on everything, and stay open minded.

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